A collective noun refers to a whole group as a single entity but also to the members of that group. Examples of collective nouns are: faculty, family, and team. But, should I use a singular or a plural verb with a collective noun? Study the short PDF file to figure out the answer.
What historical figure are you? What animal would you be? What do people get out of online personality quizzes? Read the article below to practice your reading skills and improve your vocabulary on the topic.
If you have a Christmas tree in your home, have you thought whether it's better to have a natural tree or an artificial tree? This video could help you to decide while improving your English through the lesson around it.
Do you know the difference between bored and boring? Adjectives that end in -ed (e.g. bored) and adjectives that end in -ing (e.g. boring) are often confused. But, there's nothing to worry about. You'll figure them out in a minute.
There are many occasions in which we need to describe an event or action that happened, and very often that includes repeating what someone said. To describe what people said there are two different types of speech – direct speech and indirect speech (or reported speech). Here's a short lesson to learn how each one works. Enjoy!
The syllable before the suffix -tion is stressed. This means the sound is a little longer and louder than other syllables in the word. In this short lesson, you will listen to and repeat some examples to master this point.
In this short lesson, first, you will learn some words that you might need while using the underground. Then, there's a conversation to see how these words are used in such occasions. Try to repeat the conversation to get used to the new expressions. You can also roleplay the conversation with a friend.
What do you think daily life is like for bakers? A lot of people think bread-making must be incredibly boring. Do you too?
Listen to a talk about social psychology to practice and improve your listening skills.
Relative clauses, including who, that, and which, are used to give essential information about someone or something. A relative clause usually comes immediately after the noun it describes. Now, reduced relative clauses refer to the shortening of a relative clause. To be more specific, relative clause reduction refers to removing a relative pronoun and could happen in different ways.