The Idiot
Today, we’re taking a look at the renowned novel, The Idiot, by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
Between Worlds
Today, we have a special episode dedicated to the play Between Worlds by none other than the renowned author Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt. This international bestseller, originally published with the French title Hôtel Des Deux Mondes, has captured the hearts of readers around the globe, including me myself, so much so that I honestly couldn’t help myself crying when reading some parts of it. Anyway, with no further ado, let’s dive into it.
How To Feed a Dictator
In today's episode, I’ll be introducing the book How to Feed a Dictator by Witold Szabłowski. We get into the plot and the main concepts, highlight a few intriguing quotations, touch upon reviews, and so much more.
The Storyteller
Today, we’re diving into the award-winning novel, one of my favorite books ever, The Storyteller, by Mario Vargas Llosa. We’ll talk about the author, the plot of the story, the notions and ideas, what have you. But, don’t worry. I’m not gonna spoil the book for you.
Six Characters In Search Of An Author
In this episode, we’re discussing the intriguing play Six Characters in Search of an Author, one of the most famous works of Luigi Pirandello. We’ll get to know about the playwright, the plot, the concepts behind the story, some quotations from the play, and so much more. So, sit back and enjoy.